My journey in integrative medicine began in 2007 with a personal goal of healing and understanding the function of these practices. Shortly, I received my first training as a therapist in RainDrop Technique using therapeutic essential oils and Polarity Therapy at the Columbus Polarity School in Columbus Ohio, which included fundamental knowledge of Ayurvedic nutrition, Craniosacral therapy, and an introduction to Naturopathy based on the teachings of Randolph Stone, one of the most renowned naturopaths in the world. In 2009 I became certified as a reflexologist at the Thai Institute of Healing Arts in Avalon Virginia. In the following years, I got a certification in Crystal Therapy at Nakkal School in Quito Ecuador. I attained the first level of knowledge in ancient Sacred Geometry at the Flower of Life school by Drunvalo Melchizedek. In 2021, I obtain of Sound Healing using Crystal Bowls and tuning forks. All of these modalities carry ancestral knowledge, structured and they all serve specific individual proposes and duration. Above all, each of them aims to be a tool for deep personal discovery and transformation.